Stress is an inevitable part of any profession, but it can be especially intense for those in the nursing profession. Nurses work in high-stress environments where their actions can significantly impact the well-being of their patients. That’s why nurses need to prioritize their physical and mental health to avoid burnout.

This article will explore nurse burnout, its symptoms, underlying causes, and effective strategies to prevent and manage it. Let’s get to it!

What Is Nurse Burnout?

Nurse burnout is a serious issue that affects healthcare professionals and their patients. It is characterized by mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion caused by prolonged exposure to work-related stress. Factors that contribute to burnout in nurses often include long working hours, the pressure of quick decision-making, and the burden of caring for patients who may have poor outcomes.

Common Nurse Burnout Symptoms

Nurses experiencing burnout may exhibit a decline in energy, emotional weariness, lack of motivation, and feelings of frustration. As burnout progresses, it can lead to disengagement, detachment, and decreased work efficacy. Unaddressed, burnout can lead to more severe symptoms such as self-doubt, despair, and depression.

Recognizing the signs of nurse burnout is critical to prevent it from progressing. Symptoms of burnout can include the following:

1. Constant exhaustion


While it is not unusual for nurses to work long shifts and have less sleep than ideal, persistent exhaustion that affects daily life can be a sign of burnout.

Nurses often work extended 12-hour shifts, which can take a toll on their mental and physical health. Exhaustion from these shifts can lead to reduced job satisfaction, decreased productivity, and even an increased risk of making errors. This constant fatigue can also impact personal relationships and lead to social isolation.

Nurses who experience exhaustion should be mindful of its impact and consider taking steps to prevent burnout. This includes prioritizing self-care and seeking support from colleagues, friends, and family. Engaging in stress-reducing activities, getting enough rest, and adopting healthy lifestyle habits can also help prevent burnout.

2. Compassion fatigue

Compassion fatigue is a type of burnout commonly experienced by healthcare professionals who regularly care for suffering or traumatized patients. It is characterized by decreased empathy and emotional exhaustion, leading to a reduced ability to provide adequate care.

Preventing and managing compassion fatigue is crucial for ensuring the well-being of healthcare professionals and the quality of care provided to patients.

3. Overwhelming anxiety

Anxiety is a familiar feeling in nursing, as nurses often worry about patients and the possibility of making errors. However, when anxiety becomes overwhelming, it can be a symptom of nurse burnout. This type of anxiety can make small, routine changes feel overwhelming and may interfere with daily activities such as eating, sleeping, and concentrating.

Nurses must recognize when their anxiety becomes excessive and seek support to prevent and manage it. This can include self-care strategies, seeking professional counseling, and making changes to their work environment.

4. Feeling overworked and unappreciated


Nurses often work in high-pressure environments where the stakes are high and the demands are constant. When their hard work and dedication are not recognized or appreciated, it can lead to feelings of burnout. Nurses may feel overworked and undervalued, leading to resentment toward their job, employer, and even their patients.

These negative feelings can overshadow the fulfillment of helping others and may lead to frustration and poor performance, ultimately affecting patient care. So, it is essential for employers and colleagues to recognize nurses’ contributions and provide the support and resources they need to prevent burnout and promote well-being.

5. Losing enthusiasm or enjoyment regarding work

One of the symptoms of burnout in nurses is a loss of enthusiasm and enjoyment toward their work. Nurses may begin to lose the satisfaction they once found in their job and dread going to work. This feeling of dread can be accompanied by distraction and a lack of focus, which can negatively impact the quality of care provided to patients.

6. Illness

Nurse burnout can have serious physical consequences, including weakened immunity, gastrointestinal issues, chronic pain, heart palpitations, and other health problems. These physical symptoms can make nurses more vulnerable to illness and may lead to various health issues, including increased susceptibility to viruses, digestive problems, unexplained aches and pains, and heart-related complications.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is crucial to take action to reduce stress and prevent further burnout. However, if you are experiencing multiple burnout symptoms simultaneously, it may be necessary to take more severe measures, such as seeking medical attention or making significant changes to your work or lifestyle.

What Causes Burnout in Nurses?

Burnout is an occupational phenomenon resulting from poorly managed chronic workplace stress. But what are the leading factors that cause burnout in nurses? Let’s find out!

Long hours


Nurses often work extended shifts and overtime to meet the needs of their patients. This can lead to physical and mental exhaustion and affect the quality of care that they provide. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), longer shifts correlate with higher levels of burnout and patient dissatisfaction.

Lack of sleep

Sleep deprivation is widespread, especially in nursing, as they work long hours and consecutive shifts. According to NIH, about 30% to 70% of nurses get less than 6 hours of sleep before their shifts, which can often be 12 hours long. While common, this may lead to sleep deprivation, contributing to burnout in several ways.

Stressful work environment

Nursing is one of the most stressful professions, with nurses often working in high-pressure and emotionally demanding environments. Nurses regularly encounter medical emergencies that require quick decision-making and a high level of focus. Additionally, they often face heavy criticism from employers, patients, and their families, increasing stress and the risk of burnout.

Inadequate collaboration and support

Burnout is more present in workplaces that lack teamwork and collaboration. In a profession like nursing, effective cooperation and teamwork can help save lives. Hence, conflict, poor communication, lack of cooperation, and peer bullying in the workplace can create an unpleasant work environment, which can cause not only nurse burnout but even medical errors.

Emotional letdowns


Unfortunately, nurses who work in critical or end-of-life care are more likely to experience emotional hardship when dealing with low recovery and high mortality rates. Constantly facing crises like these during a usual workday can lead to emotional letdowns and burnout.

Other causes of nurse burnout

Other factors that can develop burnout in nurses include:

  • Time pressures
  • Infectious diseases
  • Work-related violence or threats
  • Career development issues
  • Difficult patients

How To Prevent Nurse Burnout

Taking the right proactive steps can help nurses prevent burnout. Fortunately, there are workplace prevention strategies that institutions can use to minimize burnout and techniques that you, as a nurse, can use to help reduce the chances of burnout.

Personal prevention tips

Unfortunately, not all hospitals give access to burnout prevention practices. But you can take some steps to prevent burnout, such as:

  • Developing strong relationships in the workplace and at home
  • Establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life to avoid overworking
  • Getting adequate sleep
  • Maintaining good physical and mental health
  • Seeking therapy and support programs to manage overwhelming stress and emotions
  • Working on developing the necessary nursing qualities

Workplace prevention tips

Preventing nurse burnout should be a priority for hospitals and healthcare organizations. Employers and supervisors can take several steps to create a supportive work environment and reduce work-related stressors. Some of the workplace prevention strategies include:

  • Enhancing the meaning and purpose of the work nurses do by recognizing and valuing their contributions
  • Fostering opportunities for nurses to participate in decision-making and providing them with a sense of control over their work
  • Providing constructive feedback to help them improve
  • Facilitating the achievement of clear, realistic, and achievable goals
  • Providing nurses with autonomy and flexibility in how they perform their work

The Bottom Line

In the demanding field of nursing, experiencing some degree of burnout is common. Long shifts, lack of sleep, and high-pressure situations can take a toll on nurses. However, there are strategies and prevention methods that can help manage and reduce burnout.

Nurses can take personal steps such as setting boundaries, maintaining their physical and mental health, and seeking support. Employers and supervisors can also implement workplace practices to foster autonomy, meaningful work, and goal attainment.

Ultimately, it’s a must for all nurses to prioritize their well-being and take proactive measures to prevent and manage burnout.